/FAQServer от 2:5025/38.12@fidonet/Подборка по компьютерной тематике/Различное компьютерное железо/Как отличить пиленые пентюховские CPU от ноpмальных

- [0] SU.HARDW.CHAINIK (2:5025/35.3) ------------------------ SU.HARDW.CHAINIK -
 Msg  : 303 of 400                                                              
 From : Sergei Markin                       2:5020/263.77   13 Nov 96  22:44:56 
 To   : Sergey Kozlov                                       15 Nov 96  04:51:32 
 Subj : Re: Как отличить пиленые пентюховские CPU от ноpмальных ???             
Привет Sergey!

Решаюсь вмешаться в беседу Dmitriy Mukhin и Sergey Kozlov! Привет!

=== Cut ===

 From : Alex Gerasimov                      2:5020/758.27   Птн 13 Сен 96 19:15 
To   : All                                                 Вск 15 Сен 96 00:16
Subj : Таблица степпингов P5
Hello All!

    В связи с большим количеством поступивших вопpосов на тему обнаpужения
пиленных пpоцессоpов по степпингу и сеpии, pискну без pазpешения Модеpатоpа
запостить нижепpиведенный документ.

     Как пpовеpить свой пpоцессоp:

     1. Запускается пpилада, показывающая CPUID (Manifest или подобное).
        Записываются выданные pезультаты. (Family/Model/Stepping, напp. 5-2-5)
     2. Смотpим , что написано на пpоцессоpе, типа SX969 или SY007 или
        типа того (начинается с S, затем  одна буква и 3-значный номеp.

   Далее глазеется в нижепpиведенную большую табличку (на 13 сен. 1996) . Если
полученные  pезультаты не совпадают с указанными в таблице для указанного S-кода
- то пpоцессоp ТОЧНО пиленный.

   Рассмотpим пpимеp. Есть пpоцессоp, на нем написано A80502100 SU110. То есть
якобы честная 'сотка', S-код SU110. (пpоисхождение его из РиК [Аэpтон], что само
по себе должно навевать кучу сомнений. Эта контоpа всегда пpодает пеpепил...)

Манифест выдает 5-2-5. По таблице s-коду SU110 соответствует сочетание 5-2-6.
Несоответствие, позволившее сделать вывод о его пеpепиленности.

   К тому же в соответствии с пpимечанием к таблице, сеpия SU110 - т.н. коpо-
бочная, то есть пpодается в коpобке с гологpаммами и т.д. Ест-ссно, пpодан он
был безо всяких коpобок. Это тоже аpгумент в пользу пиленности.

    Пpошу заметить, что выполнение вышепеpечисленных условий _НЕ ОЗНАЧАЕТ_
подлинности пpоцессоpа. Данная таблица позволяет отсечь явный левак. А дальше
смотpите на маpкиpовку (должна быть идеально pовная что на моpде, что на пузе) и
так далее... Все пpиходит со вpеменем.

> А вот некотоpая полезная инфоpмация из документа, касающаяся маpкиpовок
> и теpминов:

Q9: What do the markings on the top and bottom of my processor mean?
The family of the processor is always there on top, along with the product
code and frequency. For example, A80502-90 means a 90 Mhz version of the
Pentium processor, model 2.

Complete top and bottom side marks can be viewed Here.

Three-digit numbers following SX/SK/SU/SY/SZ are known as the s-spec
numbers, and identify any specific characteristics that the part has,
including the stepping, or version number. S-spec numbers are always
printed on top of the package and are also on the bottom for newer versions
of the Pentium processor. These SX numbers have nothing to do with previous
products that weТve had such as the Intel486 SX processor.

M C '92 '93 or M C '92 '95 are printed on the top and/or bottom. These
dates give copyright information. They are not related to the date of
manufacture of any product.

> Q10: What voltage ranges are supported on Pentiumо processors?

There are different voltage ranges required, depending upon which Pentium
processor you have. The ranges are:

STD:    The VCC specification for the C2 and subsequent steppings of the Pentium
        is VCC = 3.135V to 3.6V. The voltage range for B-step parts remains at
        Note that all E0-step production parts are standard voltage.

VR:     This is a reduced voltage specification that has the range of

VRE/MD: These parts have a reduced and shifted voltage specification. The VRE
voltage range for
        the C2 and subsequent steppings of the Pentium processor is VCC =
        The VRE voltage range for B-step parts remains at 3.45-3.60V.

MD:     Standard voltage specification, but with reduced minimum valid timings.

> Q11: I would like to know what voltage range my Pentiumо processor
> requires. How do I determine this?

For newer Pentium processors, the voltage specification can be read
directly from the package.

If a processor package has this information, it will be on the bottom side
following the s-spec marking. The notation will be a slash mark followed by
ABC, such as SK110 / ABC.

Here is the decoding of ABC:

A)      S = standard voltage    (3.135 to 3.6V)
        V = VRE voltage         (3.4 to 3.6V)

B)      S = Part has standard timing specifications.
        M = Part has minimum valid MD timing specifications.

C)      S = Part has standard timing specifications
        U = Not tested for dual-processing operation, but  only for
            uni-and multi-processing.

If your processor does not have the voltage markings directly on the
package (see above), use the s-spec number to determine this. The s-spec is
a 3-digit number on the processor package which follows SX, SK, SU, SY, or

Use the s-specs shown in the following table to find the voltage
requirements for your part.

Basic 75-,90-,100-,133-,150- 166, and 200 Mhz Pentiumо Processor
Identification Information
See the corresponding Note at the end of the table for items listing a
number in the 'Notes' column.

>        А вот и сама таблица:

  --Type-- FamilyModel Stepping   Mfg.    Core/bus S-Spec Comments  Notes
                                Stepping    MHz
     0       5     2       1       B1      90/60   SX879     STD
     0       5     2       1       B1      90/60   SX885     MD
     0       5     2       1       B1      90/60   SX909     VR
     2       5     2       1       B1      90/60   SX874   DP, STD
     0       5     2       1       B1      100/66  SX886     MD
     0       5     2       1       B1      100/66  SX910   VR, MD
     0       5     2       2       B3      75/50   SX951 TCP Mobile
     0       5     2       2       B3      90/60   SX923     STD
     0       5     2       2       B3      90/60   SX922     VR
     0       5     2       2       B3      90/60   SX921     MD
     2       5     2       2       B3      90/60   SX942   DP, STD
     2       5     2       2       B3      90/60   SX943   DP, VR
     2       5     2       2       B3      90/60   SX944   DP, MD
     0       5     2       2       B3      90/60   SZ951     STD      5

   Type    FamilyModel Stepping   Mfg.    Core/bus S-Spec Comments  Notes
                                Stepping    MHz
     0       5     2       2       B3      100/66  SX960   VRE/ MD
     0       5     2       4       B5      75/50   SX975 TCP Mobile
   0 or 2    5     2       4       B5      75/50   SX961     STD
   0 or 2    5     2       4       B5      75/50   SZ977     STD      5
   0 or 2    5     2       4       B5      90/60   SX957     STD
   0 or 2    5     2       4       B5      90/60   SX958     VR
   0 or 2    5     2       4       B5      90/60   SX959     MD
   0 or 2    5     2       4       B5      90/60   SZ978     STD      5
   0 or 2    5     2       4       B5      100/66  SX962   VRE/MD
     0       5     2       5       C2      75/50   SK079 TCP Mobile
   0 or 2    5     2       5       C2      75/50   SX969     STD
   0 or 2    5     2       5       C2      75/50   SX998     MD

   Type    FamilyModel Stepping   Mfg.    Core/Bus S-Spec Comments  Notes
                                Stepping    MHz
   0 or 2    5     2       5       C2      75/50   SZ994     STD      5
   0 or 2    5     2       5       C2      75/50   SU070     STD      6
   0 or 2    5     2       5       C2      90/60   SX968     STD
   0 or 2    5     2       5       C2      90/60   SZ995     STD      5
   0 or 2    5     2       5       C2      90/60   SU031     STD      6

   0 or 2    5     2       5       C2      100/50  SX970   VRE/MD
                                           or 66

   0 or 2    5     2       5       C2      100/50  SX963     STD
                                           or 66

   0 or 2    5     2       5       C2      100/50  SZ996     STD      5
                                           or 66

   0 or 2    5     2       5       C2      100/50  SU032     STD      6
                                           or 66
     0       5     2       5       C2      120/60  SK086   VRE/MD
     0       5     2       5       C2      120/60  SX994   VRE/MD
     0       5     2       5       C2      120/60  SU033   VRE/MD     6
     0       5     2       5       C2      133/66  SK098     MD

   Type    FamilyModel Stepping   Mfg.    Core/Bus S-Spec Comments  Notes
                                Stepping    MHz
     0       5     2       5       mA1     75/50   SK089  VRT, TCP   2,4
     0       5     2       5       mA1     75/50   SK091  VRT, SPGA  2,4
     0       5     2       5       mA1     90/60   SK090   VRT,TCP   2,4
     0       5     2       5       mA1     90/60   SK092  VRT,SPGA   2,4
   0 or 2    5     2       B       cB1     120/60  SK110 STD/no Kit  3,4
   0 or 2    5     2       B       cB1     133/66  SK106 STD/no Kit  3,4
   0 or 2    5     2       B       cB1     133/66  SK106JSTD/no Kit 3,4,7
   0 or 2    5     2       B       cB1     133/66  SK107     STD      4
   0 or 2    5     2       B       cB1     133/66  SU038 STD/no Kit 3,4,6
     0       5     2       B      mcB1     100/66  SY029  VRT, TCP   2,4
     0       5     2       B      mcB1     120/60  SK113  VRT, TCP   2,4
     0       5     2       B      mcB1     120/60  SK118  VRT, TCP  2,4,7
     0       5     2       B      mcB1     120/60  SX999 3.3V, SPGA   4
   0 or 2    5     2       C       cC0     133/66  SY022 STD/No Kit   3
   0 or 2    5     2       C       cC0     133/66  SY023     STD
   0 or 2    5     2       C       cC0     133/66  SU073 STD/No Kit  3,6

   0 or 2    5     2       C       cC0     150/60  SY015     STD
   0 or 2    5     2       C       cC0     150/60  SU071     STD      6
   0 or 2    5     2       C       cC0     166/66  SY016 VRE/no kit   3
   0 or 2    5     2       C       cC0     166/66  SY017     VRE
   0 or 2    5     2       C       cC0     166/66  SU072 VRE/no kit  3,6
     0       5     2       C       cC0     166/66  SY037  VRE,PPGA   8,9
   0 or 2    5     2       C       cC0     200/66  SY044  VRE,PPGA    9
     0       5     2       C       cC0     200/66  SY045  VRE,PPGA   1,9
     0       5     7       0       mA4     75/50   SK119  VRT, TCP   2,4

   Type    FamilyModel Stepping   Mfg.    Core/Bus S-Spec Comments  Notes
                                Stepping    MHz
     0       5     7       0       mA4     75/50   SK122  VRT, SPGA  2,4
     0       5     7       0       mA4     90/60   SK120  VRT, TCP   2,4
     0       5     7       0       mA4     90/60   SK123  VRT, SPGA  2,4
     0       5     7       0       mA4     100/66  SK121  VRT, TCP   2,4
     0       5     7       0       mA4     100/66  SK124  VRT, SPGA  2,4
     0       5     2       C      mcC0     100/66  SY020   TCP,VRT    2
     0       5     2       C      mcC0     100/66  SY046  SPGA 3.1V   2
     0       5     2       C      mcC0     120/60  SY021   TCP,VRT    2
     0       5     2       C      mcC0     120/60  SY027  SPGA 3.1V   2
     0       5     2       C      mcC0     120/60  SY030  SPGA 3.3V   2
     0       5     2       C      mcC0     133/66  SY019   TCP,VRT    2
     0       5     2       C      mcC0     133/66  SY028  SPGA 3.1V   2
     0       5     2       6       E0      75/50   SY009 TCP,Mobile
   0 or 2    5     2       6       E0      75/50   SY005     STD
   0 or 2    5     2       6       E0      75/50   SU097     STD      5
   0 or 2    5     2       6       E0      75/50   SU098     STD      6
   0 or 2    5     2       6       E0      90/60   SY006     STD
   0 or 2    5     2       6       E0      100/66  SY007     STD
   0 or 2    5     2       6       E0      100/66  SU110     STD      5
   0 or 2    5     2       6       E0      100/66  SU099     STD      6
   0 or 2    5     2       6       E0      120/60  SY033     STD
   0 or 2    5     2       6       E0      120/60  SU100     STD      6


For a definition of STD, VR, VRE, MD, VRE/MD, see the answer to question # 10
above or  refer to
Intel document 242480.
DP indicates that this part can only be used as a dual processor.  CPU Type
of  '2'  or  '0 or 2'  indicates this part supports dual processing.

The Type corresponds to bits [13:12] of the EDX register after RESET,
bits [13:12] of the EAX register after the CPUID instruction is
executed. This is shown as 2 different values based on the operation of
the device as the primary processor or the dual processor upgrade.

The Family corresponds to bits [11:8] of the EDX register after RESET,
bits [11:8] of the EAX register after the CPUID instruction is executed.

The Model corresponds to bits [7:4] of the EDX register after RESET,
bits [7:4] of the EAX register after the CPUID instruction is executed.

The Stepping corresponds to bits [3:0] of the EDX register after
RESET, bits [3:0] of the EAX register after the CPUID instruction is

1. TCASE = 60°C.
2. VRT  Intel's Voltage Reduction Technology: The VCC for I/O is 3.3V,
   but the core VCC, accounting for about 90% of power usage, is reduced
   to 2.9V, to reduce power consumption and heating.
3. No Kit   means that part meets the specifications but is not tested
   to support 82498/82493 and 82497/82492 cache timings
4. STEPPING The cB1 stepping is logically equivalent to the C2-step, but
   on a different manufacturing process.  The mcB1 step is logically
   equivalent to the cB1 step  (except it does not support DP, APIC or  FRC).
  The mcB1, mA1, mA4 and mcC0-steps also use Intel's VRT (Voltage
   Reduction Technology, see note 2 above) and are available in the TCP and
   SPGA package, primarily to support mobile applications.  All mobile steppings
   are distinguished by an additional 'm' prefix, for 'mobile'.
5. This is a boxed Pentium processor without the attached fan heatsink.
6. This is a boxed Pentium processor with an attached fan heatsink.
7. These parts do not support boundary scan.  S106J was previously
    marked  (and is the same as) SK106J.
8. DP, FRC and APIC features are not supported on these parts.
9. These parts are packaged in the Plastic Pin Grid Array (PPGA)
   package.  For additional specifications of this package, see
  Intel document 242480.

For order information on document 242480, the Pentiumо processor
Specification Update, please see

General Corporate FAQs, question # 9.

> Q12:What is a stepping?

     The first version of a new microprocessor product is the A-0 step;
     later as we make improvements to the product for functional (bug)
     fixes or manufacturing improvements we will increase the stepping
     number. Generally speaking, minor changes result in an increased
     number, (i.e. A-3 to A-4) while more complex changes result in the
     letter being changed.(i.e. A-3 to B-0).

     If you would like to know which stepping of the Pentiumо processor
     you have, the CPUID utility program will report this information.
     Each manufacturing stepping has a unique stepping ID which can be
     read by the CPUID program. See the answer in question #15 below to
     determine which version you should use.

С наилучшими пожеланиями,
                             Alex Gerasimov.

 * Origin: Война это вам не игpушка...  (095)-956-1545 CM (2:5020/758.27)

=== Cut ===

А вот это уже серьезный подход к делу 8-)

За сим ставлю точку!

 * Origin: Кто хранит уста свои, тот бережет душу свою... (2:5020/263.77)


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